Blog my first photography post.

This being my first blog I'll keep it short; an intro into what makes me as a photographer tick.
Photographing people portrait shoots in my small studio or on location.  In studio complete control of lighting, shadows out on location using sunlight or fill flash to achieve the objective. 
There's always an air of anticipation and nerves before a shoot this is why it's so enjoyable.  Soon after a few test shots and the camera is warmed up ideas start to flow the shoot comes together.  Before long the photo shoot is over and I want to do it again it's time to edit the files.  I do like black and white as my primary location medium sometimes colour in studio.  
It hasn't always been easy to believe I am a photographer but I am.  Photography is a substance in my life I love cameras the final image even more so.  Curranty I'm based at Poulton-Le-Fylde  close to Manchester and Liverpool.  As I mentioned a short intro about Paul Norton Photographer I will be back with more blogs soon.